Wednesday, November 25, 2009
2. The lovely little house on Ohio has a new owner, and we no longer have a mortgage. And that freed us to move out of the main street apartment and into one on the lake.
3. We had friends, on both ends, who helped us move. And as hard as moving is for me, it's nice to have friends across the country who love us.
4. I have a job that allows me to write for a living, even if it's about methane digesters and carbon emissions and futures contracts. It's interesting, and I learn something every day.
5. When I wash the dishes, Justin dries. He loads audio books onto my iPod and looks for music he thinks I'll like. He watches old screwball comedies with me and reads books I've loved so that we can talk about them. He walks the dog every morning and takes her out the last thing at night, too. He's a good man, that Justin, and I'm thankful he's mine.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Epic Fail
As I was scraping it into the garbage Tuesday night, I asked Justin not to tell my mom. Because she brought me the cherries for the pie.
Cherries my dad picked from the much-lauded cherry tree in the backyard and carefully pitted under intense scrutiny from the resident alpha cook.
The cherry tree only recently started producing -- the first year there was enough for one or two pies. So each cherry was hoarded like a precious gem and bestowed with the utmost discretion upon the favored few. Last year, that did not include me.
When we were home for dad's birthday in August, though, Justin and I noticed that there was an entire freezer pretty much full of cherries. So when mom and dad made plans to visit last weekend, I asked mom if she'd bring some along because "Justin" had a hankering for cherry pie.
Despite what we'd seen in the freezer, I didn't expect her to deliver. But she did. Three pints.
After an afternoon at the art fair the next town over, she thought it would be a good idea to make that pie. It would have been, too, except that I wanted a nap more than I wanted pie. She brought it up more than once and when I shot the idea down the second time with a breezy "gosh mom, I know how to make a pie," it wasn't without a sense of foreboding.
And it's true; in the past, I have made three -- yes, that's right, three -- successful pies. Probably by fluke.
I can't tell you where I went wrong -- I did branch out from the tried and true Betty Crocker recipe, but I was the bad ingredient. And the crust was like leather. Chewy, yet soggy, leather.
And the cherries. Well. They were a little freezer burnt. It hurts to say that. It really does. But they were.
I've determined to master pie crust. Someday. In the meantime, I made cake.
PS -- If you know my mom and happen to see her, don't tell her what I just told you. I'm not going to keep it a secret or anything, but I have to brace myself first.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Justin Recommends
I also like chickpeas, another late addition to my food repertoire and so I've tried to make up for lost time. Chickpeas in salad, in soup, in chili, in hummus, in veggie burgers. So many chickpeas in so many things that my man called a chickpea strike, which I've tried to respect. Mostly. (Because one has to draw a line in indulging her husband's persnickety inclinations. It's true.)
Then I came across this falafel recipe that included sweet potatoes and chickpeas, and I made it for supper without apprising Justin of the situation. He ate it and he liked it. Because it was very, very good. And if you like sweet potatoes/chickpeas/falafel, I suspect you'll like it, too.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
At the same time, the young neighbor boy the next house over was seeing his girlfriend out; her ride was waiting in the street, car running, lights on.
He was going in for a goodnight embrace of some sort just as we passed, but Yeti interrupted -- shoving her needle nose between them looking for some love herself with her helicopter tail aloft and circling.
It was just a little bit awkward for us all.
And also hilarious.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
In which I digress
Like about my dad, who finished chemo the week before Easter, and how we went to a cutting in Rapid City late this winter and how he stayed up way too late and made me promise not to tell mom, fed me steak and tried to sign me up for the stater class even though I'd only ridden a cutting horse once, out behind the barn last summer.
Or how I saw Salman Rushdie engrossed by his blackberry outside the Cosmos Club in Washington DC where, should you ever have the inclination, you can order pre-Prohibition-inspired cocktails at the restaurant owned by the North Dakota Farmers Union, and if you're braver than I am, or if you really love bacon, you'll try Bone. It's where I learned, over dinner, that one of the men involved with the Jerusalem artichoke debacle had ties to my alma matter in Orange City.
I've wanted to say how I've started running again and how it's hard, but good and slowly making me feel like myself again. How I'm researching a story about Roswell Garst who told Nikita Krushchev in a letter in the middle of the Cold War that only a man with small ideas eats a cherry in two bites and that unless Garst's recommendations on agriculture be taken seriously and in their entirety, he'd rather they not be taken at all. And isn't that just perfect? It takes a fearless man to say that -- or at least a confident man who knows his own business. I don't know a lot more than that about him yet, but already I like him -- and am reminded that people are just people and while we can admire them, it's ridiculous to be awed or cowed or however you want to say it.
And so, you see, I have things to say and I'll ask your pardon if, for now, they meander away from the kitchen, though I still have plenty to say about that, too.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I've always been a little indifferent when it comes to cookies, not so much in the eating of them -- heavens no -- as in the making. Now I understand that not every quirk and preference is the direct result of some childhood trauma or event, but if I had to pinpoint a cause for this particular one, I'd say it started with Anne.
My dad, if you'll recall, has five brothers and one sister. All his brothers are married and all of them farm in the same community, which means I had a lot of aunts, in a range of ages, in close proximity. Anne, who's married to my dad's youngest brother, was singularly fascinating to me because she seemed more glamorous babysitter, like my cousin Angie, than aunt. Plus she liked horses and grew up on a ranch, which made her way cooler than Angie. And one day she invited me over to bake chocolate chip cookies!
I don't remember how old I was or how experienced a cookie baker, only that it was a banner day, but cookie baking seemed an altogether too tedious process after that. You don't have to handle cake or quick bread batter -- you pour it in the pan and you're done. Bread dough is more involved, but you knead it in one big mass and your hands only get sticky once.
And cookies are sensitive, especially chocolate chip cookies: there's a very small window between underdone and overdone. And who wants an overdone chocolate chip cookie? Even when perfectly done, I'd much rather have a soft, chewy chocolate crinkle, which made an annual appearance at our house during Christmas, or one of grandma's molasses cookies, than the kind of crisp chocolate chip cookie my dad prefers.
But then Frieda Wollman's Perfect Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies made an appearance in the Zion Mennonite Cookbook. If you want a general idea of what these cookies are like, imagine how a Keebler Soft Batch chocolate chip cookie would melt in your mouth after being warmed slightly in the microwave. Frieda's cookies are like that without the microwave, and they became a staple in my college care packages. I hate to say it, but my roommate and I sacrificed a lot of those cookies in the name of manhunting (however unsuccessfully), especially freshman year.
Eventually they did help snag a boyfriend in a roundabout way. Justin came over to help me study one night shortly after we started spending time together, and I wanted to impress him -- only I made a mess of it because, you see, I decided to halve the recipe. I don't know why -- if I was running short on butter or eggs or some other essential ingredient -- but the problem was that I halved everything but the flour. The kindest thing to say is that they came out biscuit-like. However, he still ate them and a year or so later we got married, so it worked out okay in the end.
Frieda's recipe reigned uncontested over all other chocolate chip cookies until last year when the New York Times published this much-circulated article about one man's quest for perfection in cookie form. So I made them and they were good. Very good, thus planting the seed of doubt, which could only yield one thing: a showdown.

Before I reveal the results, I have to offer a few disclaimers. (1) Frieda's cookie dough aged 72 hours in the fridge; the NYT dough aged 48. Ideally both would have aged 36, but life happens. (2) I used all-purpose flour in both recipes, though the NYT calls for a mixture of flours. (3) I am currently without a food scale, so for the NYT recipe, I assumed about 4.4 ounces in a cup of flour. (4) Even with a thermometer, the temperature on my oven is extremely difficult to control, and I think that explains the difference between how the NYT cookies turned out when I made them in Omaha as opposed to the scary 1950s-cooks-100-degrees-too-hot oven in Waconia. (5) I added a bit of salt to Frieda's recipe.
So all I'm saying is I'd like to conduct this trial again with fewer variables and a few tweaks here and there. Even so, preliminary results do seem to indicate a favorite.

Now on to the reckoning. Thanks to Justin for documenting and overseeing the voting process.
Jason's vote: Frieda. "This is the best chocolate chip cookie I've ever had; does Susie know when my birthday is? No. I'm serious."

Brett's vote: Frieda. "I like the flavor of the other one (NYT), but the soft pillowy texture of this one really makes it."
Maren's vote: NYT. "It's a tough call, but I think I like the flatter ones better." Note her perfect, glowing, post-run skin.
Mike had a tough time. After an initial vote for NYT, he reconsidered and went with Frieda. "It's a really tough call, but I think I like this one better."
Chris' vote: NYT. "This one's better."

Justin's vote (not pictured): NYT. "I like salt."
As for me, it should be obvious. I have a history with Frieda -- who is one heck of a lady -- and her cookie recipe. And yes I like the complexity, the salty chewiness, the sophistication of my second favorite chocolate chip cookie, but I can't turn my back on my first love. Yum.
But don't take my word for it -- have a little showdown yourself and let me know which one's left standing.
Frieda's Perfect Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies
(from the Zion Mennonite Cookbook)
1 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar
3.4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1package (3.4 ounces) instant vanilla pudding mix
2 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
(I also added about 1/2 teaspoon salt)
2 cups chocolate chips
1. Cream butter and sugars in a mixing bowl until light.
2. Add pudding mix, eggs and vanilla.
3. Combine flour and soda and add to the creamed mixture.
4. Mix well.
5. Fold in chocolate chips.
6. Drop by teaspoonful onto an ungreased cookie sheet. (I kept the dough in the fridge for a couple days and made the cookies slightly bigger than teaspoon size.)
6. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes or until lightly browned
Yield: Between 3 and 4 dozen.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Ten years ago,
And then there was the music -- a flute-saxophone duet of Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" performed, to the accompaniment of strings on a CD, by yours truly and my dear cousin Steph. It sounds ill conceived, I know, but it was at least the third time we'd performed that little number -- the other two times being at church and the high school Christmas concert. Even so, it's safe to say grandpa and grandma were pretty unaffected by all the Titanic hype and, consequently, unmoved by our otherwise quite stirring (i.e. our moms liked it) rendition. There may also have been singing, but since maybe three out of the multitude of cousins aren't tone deaf, that's best forgotten.
We had punch, of course, and nuts and mints, which were plentiful thanks to the aunt who slapped down would-be snitchers when they came to set up tables and chairs earlier that afternoon. She later recounted the experience saying, quite succinctly, "I'm firm about my nuts." If that's not enough to scare one toward the straight and narrow, I don't know what is. I just don't.
But it's only now, being married for three years, that I can begin to grasp the enormity of what it means to be married for 50. A lot of life happens in 50 years -- heck, a lot of life has happened in 10: a dozen or so high school graduations, that many more from college, a handful of graduate school degrees, four businesses, four weddings, five great grandchildren and another on the way, Paul's passing, cancer, retirements, first jobs, first loves, promotions, transfers, houses bought and sold -- all along with the day-to-day tragedies and quiet miracles a family of 40-some accumulates on the way.
On January 16 my grandparents started on their 61st year of marriage. We celebrated much as we did 10 years ago. But instead of beef there was ham, and instead of singing (which grandpa and grandma lobbied for but were ultimately denied, for the greater good) or Celine, there were tributes and jokes and a power point that Mallory, bless her heart, put together with next to no notice, and instead of Al from Marion taking the family picture, it was Brenda. There were nuts and punch and (cream cheese) mints, per usual, because what celebration of note could be complete without those mints? And there was cake, but I'll tell you about later.
I can't imagine what it's like for grandpa and grandma to look back on the years since they first met at the barn dance -- or when grandpa called on grandma when she had the chickenpox, depending on what version of the how-we-met story one's gullible enough to believe. Love and all else aside, it's an uncommon gift to have someone by your side who's shared all that time, all those experiences that have shaped your perspective and, ultimately, who you've both become. So if you happen across my grandma at the store or at TOPS club, or if you see my grandpa hauling pop or doughnuts into town for the guys at Kevin's office, tell them congratulations. And marvel with them a little bit at the miracle of 60 years in love.